Press Release

Rubber-Cal’s Heavy-Duty Gym Flooring Considered “Tough Enough” for WWE Show

March 18, 2011

Rubber-Cal’s Heavy-Duty Gym Flooring Considered “Tough Enough” for WWE Show

World Wresting Entertainment (WWE) recently chose Rubber-Cal, Inc. to participate in the upcoming season of its popular competition “WWE Tough Enough.” The program’s twelve contestants will contend with Rubber-Cal’s Eco-Sport fitness flooring—and each other—starting April 4, 2011 on the USA Network.

Rubber-Cal, whose rubber gym flooring products have appeared on television shows such as ABC’s “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” and The DIY Network’s “Designed to Sell,” is excited to break into the wrestling arena and get some face time with the show’s host, famed WWE veteran Stone Cold Steve Austin.

My Tran, Rubber-Cal’s E-Commerce Manager and resident wrestling fan, states: “Since these rubber gym floor tiles thrive in harsh, high-impact conditions, they are definitely ‘tough enough’ for Stone Cold Steve Austin.”

“WWE Tough Enough” trains twelve amateur wrestlers to compete for a professional wrestling contract with WWE. The program announced its move from MTV to the USA Network last October. Rubber-Cal’s Eco-Sport floor tiles will make their WWE debut in the wrestlers’ weight training area.

The Eco-Sport 24″ x 24″ tiles are produced from recycled rubber tires. These eco-friendly rubber flooring tiles are designed to survive all-weather conditions and abrasive environments. While typical gym floor mats are often found in 1/4-inch gauges, Eco-Sport rubber tiles range in thickness from 1/2 inch to 1 inch.

E-Commerce Manager My Tran also notes that as heavy-duty exercise flooring, the tiles offer maximum shock absorption and cushioning for commercial gyms, weight rooms, and wrestling legends.

On this season of “WWE Tough Enough,” Eco-Sport gym flooring will demonstrate that it is also strong to survive the toughest challenge of all: the punishing workouts of twelve wrestlers competing for a chance at fame and glory.